Become a Member

Sharrow Community Forum is an organisation that gets things done, but it’s only as good as the people behind it, so become a member and have your say.

Membership of SCF is open to anyone who “lives, works or has an interest in Sharrow”. There is no membership fee and being a member allows you to vote at an annual general meeting, stand for the Board of Trustees, and generally help guide the direction of the organisation.

If you are interested in what happens in Sharrow become a member today!

Please use the form below to register your interest in becoming a member.

Companies Act 1984 & 1989 Company Limited by guarantee and not having a Share Capital The objects of the Charity ('the Objects') are the promotion for the public benefit of urban regeneration in areas of social and economic deprivation, and in particular in the Sharrow area of the city of Sheffield ("the area of benefit"), by the bringing together of voluntary, community, statutory, and private organisations in a common effort to promote urban regeneration.
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